Duplication & Cost Savings
GAO’s annual report on the federal government’s opportunities to reduce fragmentation, overlap, and duplication, as well as reduce costs and increase revenue.
On May 15, 2024, GAO released its 14th annual report highlighting opportunities to reduce fragmentation, overlap, and duplication in federal programs—as well as chances to save money and increase revenue.
We identified 112 new matters for congressional consideration and recommendations for agencies to save money and improve efficiency and effectiveness of government programs and activities.
Notable examples include:
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency should ensure its working capital fund cash balance is within its operating range, potentially saving its federal customers hundreds of millions of dollars through reduced prices.
Congress and the Internal Revenue Service should take action to improve sole proprietor tax compliance, which could increase revenue by hundreds of millions of dollars per year.
Agencies could save one hundred million dollars or more by using predictive models to make investment decisions on deferred maintenance and repair for federal buildings and could save ten million dollars or more over 5 years by setting building utilization benchmarks to help identify and reduce underused office space.
Congress should consider taking action that could help the Armed Forces Retirement Home address financial shortfalls to reduce the risk of exhausting the trust fund that supports it. This could potentially generate revenue of one hundred million dollars or more over 10 years.
The Department of Defense should reduce the risk of overlapping management activities and potentially save ten million dollars or more over 5 years in medical facility management. It could do so by continuing its efforts to reevaluate its market structure and establishing performance goals.
Congress could close regulatory gaps and seven federal financial regulators should improve coordination to identify and mitigate risks posed by blockchain applications in finance.
The Office of Science and Technology Policy should facilitate information sharing about identifying foreign ownership of research entities. This would better manage federal efforts designed to help safeguard federally funded research from foreign threats.
Congress should reauthorize the First Responder Network Authority before it expires in 2027 to ensure the continuity of the public-safety broadband network and collection of potential revenues of $15 billion over 15 years.
Congress and agencies have made significant progress in addressing many of the 2,018 matters and recommendations that we identified from 2011 to 2024. These efforts have resulted in approximately $667.5 billion in financial benefits, an increase of approximately $71 billion since our 2023 report.
Read our press release about the 2024 annual report—issued on May 15, 2024—to find out more.
Duplication & Cost Savings Recommendations
In our annual report, our recommendations for congressional consideration and agency action are to reduce duplication, overlap, and fragmentation; reduce costs; and increase revenue. Fully addressing these recommendations could result in tens of billions in savings for the federal government. You can search these recommendations here:
Download the entire Duplication & Cost Savings Recommendations Spreadsheet: XLSXCSV
About This Work
The federal government is spending a lot more money than it is collecting, and addressing this imbalance will require changes to both federal spending and revenue policies.
However, Congress and federal agencies could act now to address federal programs or activities that are fragmented, overlapping, or duplicative—which would save the government tens of billions of dollars.
The total savings associated with this work is a rough estimate based on a variety of sources. For more information on our methods for calculating these savings, please visit our report.
Definitions of Fragmentation, Overlap, Duplication, Cost Savings, and Revenue Enhancement