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Persistent Chemicals: Additional EPA Actions Could Help Public Water Systems Address PFAS in Drinking Water

GAO-24-106523 Published: Sep 24, 2024. Publicly Released: Sep 24, 2024.
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Chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances—PFAS—are used in some consumer products, like carpet, clothing, and nonstick cookware. But PFAS contaminate the environment, and some are associated with negative health effects, including cancer.

Starting in April 2029, the EPA will require public water systems to limit specific PFAS in drinking water. But of the public water systems we surveyed, 77% have yet to fully implement a treatment method. And of those who have, most said they need more information on how to safely dispose of the resulting waste.

EPA has some guidance available but could do more. Our recommendations address this.

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What GAO Found

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established maximum contaminant levels applicable to six types of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water. For perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)—two of the most common PFAS—EPA set maximum contaminant levels at 4 parts per trillion. GAO surveyed public water systems in six selected states that had PFOA or PFOS at or above these levels. Most public water systems—an estimated 77 percent—have not yet fully implemented a PFAS treatment method, according to GAO's survey. Among the systems that have implemented treatment, granular activated carbon was used most often. This and other treatment methods generate PFAS-contaminated waste that must be safely managed (e.g., disposed of in a landfill, incinerated, or reactivated and reused).

Possible Waste Pathways for Granular Activated Carbon Contaminated with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Possible Waste Pathways for Granular Activated Carbon Contaminated with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

GAO found that public water systems face challenges as they implement PFAS treatment methods. For example, in the six selected states, an estimated 86 percent of large systems that were treating drinking water for PFAS found it challenging to communicate effectively with customers about PFAS health risks. Beginning in 2029, if there is a violation of a PFAS maximum contaminant level, systems will be required to notify the public about relevant health risks. EPA released a PFAS Communication Toolkit to help water systems communicate with the public, and officials said the agency plans to issue additional resources. However, according to agency officials, EPA has not established a time frame for issuing such resources. By promptly establishing a time frame, EPA can ensure these additional resources are available to systems in a timely manner.

In the six selected states, GAO estimates that 41 percent of public water systems treating for PFAS have managed the resulting PFAS-contaminated waste using various methods, such as disposal in landfills, incineration, and reactivation. Most systems—both those that have and have not begun managing waste—would find additional guidance on appropriate methods for managing waste helpful. Most systems were unfamiliar with EPA's 2020 PFAS destruction and disposal guidance and were confused about the regulatory requirements—or lack thereof—for PFAS disposal. EPA has developed multiple documents about these issues and updated its 2020 guidance in 2024. EPA could further address public water systems' confusion and desire for guidance by creating a straightforward resource for public water systems that summarizes existing regulations, policies, and guidance relevant to the disposal of PFAS-contaminated waste.

Why GAO Did This Study

PFAS are a large group of chemicals developed in the 1940s that can persist in the environment and cause adverse health effects. They are used in a wide range of products, such as carpet and some nonstick cookware. Studies show that most people in the U.S. have been exposed to PFAS, likely from contaminated water, food, or air.

In 2029, EPA will require certain public water systems to comply with maximum contaminant levels for specific PFAS in drinking water. But there are concerns about whether systems have sufficient information to implement treatment methods and safely manage the resulting waste.

GAO was asked to examine PFAS-related challenges for public water systems. This report examines how systems in selected states have (1) treated PFAS in drinking water and (2) managed the resulting PFAS-contaminated waste, and challenges the systems faced in doing so. GAO conducted a generalizable survey of systems with PFAS in six states and interviewed representatives from water associations and engineering firms, as well as state and federal officials.


GAO is making four recommendations, including that EPA (1) establish a time frame for issuing additional resources to help systems communicate PFAS health risks to customers and (2) create a straightforward resource relevant to systems' disposal of PFAS-contaminated waste. EPA agreed with three recommendations and said the fourth could be addressed in the next iteration of EPA's disposal guidance.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Environmental Protection Agency The Administrator of EPA should publish a Small Entity Compliance Guide for the PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation as soon as is feasible, to best support small public water systems preparing to comply with the PFAS maximum contaminant levels by April 2029. (Recommendation 1)
EPA concurred with this recommendation. In its September 2024 response letter, EPA stated that the agency has already developed several factsheets and other materials to support small systems to implement the PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation. Further, the agency intends to develop the Small Entity Compliance Guide by April 2027, to help small systems comply with the PFAS maximum contaminant levels by April 2029. We will monitor EPA's actions to address the recommendation.
Environmental Protection Agency The Assistant Administrator of EPA's Office of Water should, in consultation with partners from Tribes, states, regional offices, and outside organizations, identify barriers public water systems experience obtaining federal funding to address PFAS contamination and assess how best to disseminate information on such funding potentially available to these systems. (Recommendation 2)
EPA concurred with this recommendation. In its September 2024 response letter, EPA stated that the agency is currently addressing the recommendation through its WaterTA effort-one of its primary purposes is to identify and address barriers communities may encounter when trying to access federal funding. Among the goals of the WaterTA is to learn how communities break through funding barriers and to share that knowledge nationally. The EPA also continues to participate in many stakeholder meetings and events which provide opportunities for states, Tribes, and communities to identify barriers. The agency will continue to solicit feedback regarding challenges public waters systems experience obtaining federal funding to address PFAS. We will monitor EPA's actions to address the recommendation.
Environmental Protection Agency The Assistant Administrator of EPA's Office of Water should establish a time frame for issuing additional planned resources—such as fact sheets and templates—to help public water systems communicate with customers about PFAS health risks. (Recommendation 3)
EPA concurred with this recommendation, indicating that the agency recognizes the importance of having PFAS risk communication materials for water systems. In its September 2024 response letter, EPA stated that the agency intends to release additional products beyond its communication toolkit and other currently available materials before compliance monitoring begins in April of 2027. EPA believes that prioritizing those resources will most help states, Tribes, and the regulated community effectively implement the rule and communicate with the public. We will monitor EPA's actions to address the recommendation.
Environmental Protection Agency The Assistant Administrators of EPA's Office of Water and Office of Land and Emergency Management should summarize and consolidate existing regulations, policy, and guidance relevant to the disposal of PFAS-contaminated waste into a straightforward resource for public water systems. (Recommendation 4)
EPA neither agreed nor disagreed with this recommendation. In its September 2024 response letter, EPA stated that this recommendation may be unnecessary, in light of existing resources the agency made available to public water systems. According to its letter, EPA has already produced extensive and accessible information about both treatment systems and disposal of PFAS-contaminated waste; furthermore, EPA stated that while additional targeted information about treatment and residual disposal for public water systems may be useful, attempting to consolidate all existing regulations, policy, and guidance may result in redundancy and not an efficient use of agency resources. Nonetheless, the agency indicated that developing future material to support public water systems may be needed, and that material could be developed within the context of the next iteration of the Interim Guidance on the Destruction and Disposal of PFAS and Materials Containing PFAS. We will monitor EPA's actions to address the recommendation.

Full Report

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Natural Resources and Environment

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CarbonChemicalsDrinking water contaminantsEngineeringEnvironmental protectionHealth effectsHealth risksPotable waterSafe drinking waterWater systems