Submitting a Rule to GAO
Should agencies submit proposed rules to GAO?
No. Agencies should only submit major, non-major, and interim final rules to GAO.
How should agencies submit rules to GAO?
Agencies should send their submissions to Submissions should include a completed Submission of Federal Rules form (PDF, 3 pages) and a copy of the rule (Microsoft Word version or searchable PDF). As the Congressional Review Act requires agencies to submit information on the cost-benefit analysis, if there is one, and the agency's actions relevant to various statutes and Executive Orders, agencies should fill out page 2 for major and non-major rules.
For major rules, agencies should also provide proof of receipt of rule submissions by both the House and Senate. Satisfactory proof of receipt includes citations to the Congressional Record or signed delivery receipts (i.e., FedEx, UPS confirmation) reflecting the date of receipt.
Who should sign the submission form for the agency?
As a practical matter, the person signing the submission form should be someone at the agency who has familiarity with the rule in case GAO has questions about the submission.
Does GAO confirm receipt of submissions?
Confirmation is sent to agencies for rules received by e-mail. Additionally, agencies can use GAO's Database on Rules to confirm whether GAO has received a rule submission.
Please contact with questions about your submission.
How should agencies submit rules to Congress?
In addition to sending submissions to GAO, agencies are required to send submissions to the House and Senate. Agencies should consult relevant congressional staff on how to send their submissions. Submission to GAO DOES NOT constitute submission to Congress.
What should agencies report under the GAO Database Modernization Act of 2023?
With respect to any rule previously submitted under the Congressional Review Act, the GAO Database Modernization Act of 2023 requires agencies to submit a report to GAO whenever the agency, in whole or in part, revokes, suspends, replaces, amends, or otherwise makes the rule ineffective, or the rule is made ineffective for any other reason. The report must contain: (1) the title of the previously submitted rule; (2) the Federal Register citation for the rule, if any; (3) the date on which the rule was previously submitted to GAO; and (4) a description of the provisions of the rule that are being revoked, suspended, replaced, amended, or otherwise made ineffective.
Agencies should report this information to GAO by filling out page 3 of the Submission of Federal Rules form and submitting it to