Federal Reserve System |
The Chair of the Federal Reserve should determine whether to promulgate a regulation or enforceable guidelines on corporate governance and risk management under section 39 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, consistent with those issued by the other regulators, and document steps taken to make this determination. (Recommendation 1) |
Federal Reserve System |
The Chair of the Federal Reserve should issue a regulation to implement remaining open portions of section 166 of the Dodd-Frank Act, taking into account prior proposals and public comments. (Recommendation 2) |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
The Chair of FDIC should develop a central database for recording and reporting supervisory recommendations, similar to that used for matters requiring board attention. (Recommendation 3) |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
The Chair of FDIC should establish procedures, such as vetting meetings, for the Continuous Examination process program to ensure that managers formally consult with the examination team and relevant stakeholders before making substantive changes to examination findings. Such vetting meetings should be documented and include any divergent views that arise. (Recommendation 4) |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
The Chair of FDIC should consider a requirement that case managers for Continuous Examination process institutions periodically rotate assignments. (Recommendation 5) |