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Department of Homeland Security

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Open Recommendations (132 total)

Cloud Computing: Agencies Need to Address Key OMB Procurement Requirements

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security should ensure that the CIO of DHS updates its guidance to put a cloud SLA in place with every vendor when a cloud solution is deployed. The guidance should include language that addresses OMB's required elements for SLAs, including: remediation plans for non-compliance. (Recommendation 12)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Transition to Civilian Life: Better Collection and Analysis of Military Service Data Needed to Improve Oversight of the SkillBridge Program

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security, should, once SkillBridge program guidance is updated, direct the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard to collect and analyze SkillBridge program data and share that data, along with any corrective action plans, with DOD's Military-Civilian Transition Office, as appropriate. (Recommendation 7)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Financial Management Systems: DHS Should Improve Plans for Addressing Its High-Risk Area and Guidance for Independent Reviews

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Under Secretary for Management should ensure that the Chief Financial Officer works with the relevant DHS offices to fully incorporate performance management leading practices in its high-risk financial management area strategies and guidance. (Recommendation 1)
In its comments on our draft report, DHS agreed with this recommendation and cited actions it will take to address it. We will follow-up with DHS on actions to address this recommendation.

Human Trafficking: Agencies Need to Adopt a Systematic Approach to Manage Risks in Contracts

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security should ensure that the Chief Procurement Official, in consultation with agency trafficking experts, establishes a timeline for and implements a systematic approach to managing trafficking risks in procurements. This approach should include

  • identifying and analyzing agency procurement-related trafficking risks for their level of trafficking risk,
  • developing responses to address their highest risks, such as obtaining contractor anti-trafficking compliance plans and verifying contractor implementation of requirements, and
  • communicating this information to contracting officials.

(Recommendation 1)

When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Financial Management Systems: DHS Should Improve Plans for Addressing Its High-Risk Area and Guidance for Independent Reviews

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Under Secretary for Management should ensure that the Director of the Office of Program Accountability and Risk Management fully incorporates key elements of effective IV&V in DHS's systems engineering guidance. (Recommendation 2)
In its comments on our draft report, DHS agreed with this recommendation and cited actions it will take to address it. We will follow-up with DHS on actions to address this recommendation.

Human Trafficking: Agencies Need to Adopt a Systematic Approach to Manage Risks in Contracts

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security should ensure that the Chief Procurement Officer ensures components conduct reviews of a subset of contracts to determine whether contracting officials implemented federal anti-trafficking requirements, including incorporating the certification provision in covered solicitations and obtaining contractor anti-trafficking certifications prior to award and annually thereafter. (Recommendation 5)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

DHS Hiring: Additional Actions Needed to Enhance Vetting Processes Across the Department

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The DHS Under Secretary for Management should develop a candidate experience framework for personnel vetting that implements the DHS-wide customer experience strategy and is aligned with Trusted Workforce 2.0 objectives and other federal guidance. (Recommendation 4)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of Homeland Security The DHS Under Secretary for Management should ensure that component personnel tasked with implementing hiring and vetting are included in working groups and other applicable forums regarding human capital and personnel security so that practices that support faster entry on duty determinations can be regularly shared. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

DHS Hiring: Additional Actions Needed to Enhance Vetting Processes Across the Department

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The DHS Chief Security Officer should ensure that the IT vetting system that is under development includes enhanced capabilities, such as being able to track information for DHS priority positions and distinguish between different types of reciprocity. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.