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Open Recommendations

Financial Management Systems: VA Should Improve Its Requirements Development, Cost Estimate, and Schedule

Feb 24, 2025
4 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should ensure that the FMBT Deputy Assistant Secretary consistently documents and assesses the completeness of all requirements against acceptance criteria and definitions of done and ready, as required by the FMBT Scaled Agile Framework. (Recommendation 1)
In its comments on our draft report, VA agreed with this recommendation and cited actions it has taken and will take to address it. We will follow-up with VA on actions to address this recommendation.
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should ensure that the FMBT Deputy Assistant Secretary facilitates requirements traceability by developing and implementing an Agile road map. This road map should align with best practices in Agile development to monitor the value of work completed and whether it meets stakeholder needs. (Recommendation 2)
In its comments on our draft report, VA agreed with this recommendation and cited actions it has taken and will take to address it. We will follow-up with VA on actions to address this recommendation.
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should ensure that the FMBT Deputy Assistant Secretary balances customer needs and constraints by consistently assigning value of work during requirements development and prioritizing work based on relative value. (Recommendation 3)
In its comments on our draft report, VA agreed with this recommendation and cited actions it will take to address it. We will follow-up with VA on actions to address this recommendation.
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of Veterans Affairs should ensure that the Deputy Chief Information Officer of OIT incorporates and fully implements key elements of effective IV&V into OIT's planned IV&V framework and acquisition policy, procedures, and guidance, including a formal, risk-based process for determining which VA IT programs to subject to independent reviews. (Recommendation 4)
In its comments on our draft report, VA agreed with this recommendation and cited actions it will take to address it. We will follow-up with VA on actions to address this recommendation.

Improper Payments: Agency Reporting of Payment Integrity Information

Jan 23, 2025
1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Office of Management and Budget We recommend that the Director of the Office of Management and Budget clarify that agencies found noncompliant with PIIA criteria should state explicitly in their annual financial statements that agency plans to come into compliance are available on, or otherwise directly communicate such plans to the appropriate congressional committees. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Single Audits: Interior and Treasury Need to Improve Their Oversight of COVID-19 Relief Funds Provided to Tribal Entities

Nov 07, 2024
3 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Treasury The Secretary of the Treasury should develop and implement procedures to identify tribal recipients that did not submit required single audit reports when due and follow up with those recipients. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior should develop and implement procedures for tracking the implementation of corrective action plans, including tracking repeat single audit findings, to ensure that tribal recipients take appropriate and timely action to correct single audit findings. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Department of the Treasury The Secretary of the Treasury should develop and implement procedures to use metrics to improve the effectiveness of Treasury's process for following up on audit findings, including developing baselines and targets, tracking the implementation of corrective action plans, and sharing the metrics with OCA's Chief Operating Officer. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

DOD Financial Management: Action Needed to Enhance Workforce Planning

Oct 10, 2024
2 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should direct the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) to coordinate with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, Secretaries of the military departments (Army, Air Force, and Navy) and the Director of DFAS to develop a strategy for identifying the specific functions performed by contractors supporting the financial management workforce to help identify workforce needs and to help inform future competency and capability assessments. (Recommendation 1)
In its comments on our draft report, DOD did not agree with the recommendation and stated the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)) does not dictate nor require a specific number of full-time equivalent contract personnel, with specific skillsets, for each separate contract. That determination is made by the respective contractor and based off the desired outcome the requirement owner is seeking within the scope of the contract. However, we maintain that OUSD(C), the military departments, and DFAS should know what specific financial management functions contractor personnel are performing and what skills are required to perform these functions in order to conduct a comprehensive workforce needs assessment. Therefore, our recommendation was modified to clarify our intent and allow DOD the necessary latitude to implement it in a way that helps improve its financial management workforce, which is particularly important as DOD works to remediate audit issues and work toward obtaining a clean opinion on its financial statements. We will follow-up with DOD on actions to address this recommendation.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should direct the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness to coordinate with the Director of Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service (DCPAS) and the Secretaries of the military departments and develop written procedures for succession planning for their financial management workforce. (Recommendation 2)
In its comments on our draft report, DOD agreed with this recommendation, but requested it be directed to the Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service (DCPAS), which is responsible for developing and implementing written succession planning procedures. We will follow-up with DOD on actions to address this recommendation.

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